Saturday, June 27, 2015

The Igknights are coming! The Ignknights are coming!

Introducing the Ignknights, the next Nekroz!
These Devils are AS consistent and Satellarknights as well as being as FTK crazy as Dragonrulers were, or more!

The general effect of each one is the same, they are normal pendulum monsters, whose effects are that they can destroy themselves if another Igknight is in the pendulum zone with them, then they can search another one.

Here's a video to demonstrate what the yugioh community is about to experience!

Sunday, June 14, 2015


I just created an archetype! Konami you need to make this, here are the cards!
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Fun, Gem-Knight Deck Profile

I love these guys!

3x Gem-Knight Iolite
3x Gem-Knight Alexandrite
3x Gem-Knight Sardonyx
3x Gem-Knight Tourmaline
2x Gem Turtle
2x Cardcar D
2x Gem-Knight Emerald
2x Gem-Knight Sapphire
1x Gem-Knight Garnet
1x Rescue Rabbit
1x Homunculus the Alchemic Being

3x Gem-Knight Fusion
3x Particle Fusion
3x Pot of Duality

3x Sakuretsu Armor
3x Magic Cylinder
2x Mirror Force
1x Compulsory Evacuation Device

3x Gem-Knight Citrine
2x Gem-Knight Master Diamond
2x Gem-Knight Prismaura
2x Gem-Knight Pearl
1x Gem-Knight Aquamarine
1x Gem-Knight Amethyst
1x Gem-Knight Topaz
1x Gem-Knight Seraphinite
1x Gem-Knight Ziriconia
1x Gem-Knight Ruby

I hope you enjoy playing it!

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Trolls in the game we just want to have fun in. Why do you wanna win so much?

Why do trolls like exodia players play the game? I'd like to say how much we hate you, Exodia, Final Countdown and Burn, please quit, and now a message from our sponsor.....

Why NOT to play meta! Sincerely, Creativity

We all see Nekroz, Shaddolls and Qli's out there at the tournaments, why? I often ask this question, why bust your wallet copying off of someone's deck? Those bandwagon people out there, no one likes them, and that's because they don't play a deck that they personalize.

If you ever see one of these players, please announce this to them!

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Saturday, June 13, 2015

How to make your opponent rage quit the game!

This is probably one of the most fun decks I have ever had the pleasure of playing, without further ado, token chaos!

3x Zeta Reticulant 
3x Caius The shadow monarch 
3x Lyla of Lightsworn 
3x Ryko Loghtsworn Hunter
3x Armaggedon Knight 
2x Chaos Sorcerer 
1x Black Luster Soldier-Envoy of the Beggining 
2x D.D. Warrior Lady 

3x Scape Goat
3x Dark Core 
2x Token Sundae 
2x Dark Hole

3x Mirror Force
3x Magic Cylinder 
3x Dimensional Prison
1x Torrential Tribute

This is a simple and easy deck to play with, and the results are great, the token spam is so tremendous, as well as the loss of monsters that they have to fold! Good luck!

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Casual and Fun play in 2015 for Yu-Gi-Oh!

We all want to have fun playing this game don't we? Well this format it seems like a really good time to try it out! So many fun decks have surfaced this year, and it's a waste if we don't try them out! I'll be postings some of my ideas up so you can play the game, easily, have a good time and win!

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Budget players beware!

Budget players beware. There are a few little tricks to playing yugioh, and one of them is knowing when konami is trying to trick you. Secrets of Eternity is an example, there are tons of good rare cards in it the set. It seems however that they tricked us, because over time I realized that you NEVER make your money back on the sets, so if you have the money, don't spend it on secrets of eternity please!

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Dark Legion budget ruler deck

I just went out and bought two of the dark legion structure decks, after adding in three pot of duality and two cardcar  D's I realized that the deck could actually be quite competitive, by utilizing the dragon-fiend relationship with the amazing Pendragon card, it works nicely. I suggest it!

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Friday, June 12, 2015

How to Kill a Nekroz! Nekroz breakdown deck profile

Lets all be honest, when you play yugioh at standardly competitive level, you just hate it when someone sits down in front of you and pulls out a full Nekroz deck, complete with three valkyryus and two brionac. Here is a deck profile on how to murder these meta decks. 

3x Denko Sekka
3x Spell Reactor RE
3x Thunder King Rai-Oh
3x Spell Canceler 
3x Breaker the Magical Warrior 
3x Penguin Soldier 
2x Jinzo 

3x Deck Lockdown
3x Pot of Duality
2x Dark Hole
2x Mystical Space Typhoon

3x Dark Bribe
3x Threataning Roar
3x Anti Spell Fragrance 
1x Bottomless Trap Hole

Extra Deck 
3x Number 39: Utopia 
3x Gem-Knight Pearl 

Does it look spastic to you? This is a deck combination to deplete spell and traps of their usefulness, Nekroz also searches to win, so by cutting out spells, traps and searching then you can immediately use Jinzo to kill them off rather quickly. This doesn't always just kill Nekroz, Shaddolls, Qliphorts and Burning Abyss lose to this deck as well. 

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Burning Abyss extreme budget deck profile

Burning Abyss-
When you think about the deck, it strikes you how good they actually are. These monsters give you a plus one on every death, which when playing anyone is a great thing to have going on. The problem with this deck is the price, so I've knocked the proce down so now anyone can easily play this incredible deck.

3x Cir, Malebranche of the Burning Abyss
3x Scarm, Malebranche of the Burning Abyss
3x Farfa, Malebranche of the Burning Abyss
3x Graff, Malebranche of the Burning Abyss
3x Calcab, Malebranche of the Burning Abyss
1x Libic, Malebranche of the Burning Abyss
1x Alich, Malebranche of the Burning Abyss
1x Tour Guide From the Underworld 
1x Dark Armed Dragon
1x Caius the Mega Monarch 

2x Dark Hole
2x Mystical Space Typhoon
1x Book of Moon
1x Soul Charge
1x Foolish Burial
1x Reasoning
1x Allure of Darkness

1x Compulsory Evacuation Device
1x Breakthrough Skill
1x Dimensional Prison
1x Mirror Force
1x Bottomless Trap Hole
1x Sakuretsu Armor
1x Negate Attack
1x Torrential Tribute
1x Fire Lake of the Burning Abyss
1x Mind Crush

Extra Deck- This is where the budget speaks
3x Muzurythm The String Djinn
2x Melomelody The Brass Djinn
2x Grenosaurus
2x Number 17: Leviathin Dragon
1x Temptempo The Percusiion Djinn
1x Number 30: Acid Golem Of Destruction

That's all, please comment, like and follow for  more meta budget and other deck profiles.